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contributions to the Journal

The CVA Journal is an exclusive benefit of membership in the CVA. It is published twice a year on the Equinoxes in March and September, and each of the bi-annual editions features exciting interviews, research, and timely articles in the field of Vedic astrology. You will also have access to archived articles and interviews from past Journals.  Access to the past three issues of the CVA Journal is available to all by clicking on the Journal link.


The Senior Editor of the CVA Journal is Dennis Flaherty, and the Managing Editor is Marianne Jacuzzi.


If you are not a member of the CVA, please go to the membership page and join or renew your membership to receive this and future editions.


All journal contributions, articles, advertising, etc., are due no later than the first day of March, for the Spring Equinox edition, and the first day of September, for the Fall Equinox edition.

CVA Online Journal

submitting an article to the Journal

The Council of Vedic Astrology invites you to submit an article on any topic relative to Vedic Astrology for publication in the CVA Online Journal.


Articles must be top-quality: clearly written, engaging, and well-researched. Articles can be targeted to beginning or experienced astrologers and focus upon any topic that you find interesting. Since the CVA is a group of practitioners representing a plurality of astrological schools, with no political alignment, we as an organization do not identify with the views of any particular author.


Articles must be submitted in completed form at the latest by the first of the month (March or September) to be considered for publication in that issue. Before writing your article, you should send in a query with a brief indication of its content and the expected date of submission. Please note: we welcome articles at any time of the year for future publication! You can submit your article (or any queries you may have) to:
Dennis Flaherty, Senior Editor, or Marianne Jacuzzi, Managing Editor


CVA reserves the right to format articles for readability.

The CVA Online Journal is a publication of the Council of Vedic Astrology. Articles and advertising represent the views of the authors and advertisers, not necessarily those of the CVA.

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