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The Council of Vedic Astrology unanimously agreed to resume the establishment of certification standards of Vedic astrologers that the CVA started under the direction of Dr. David Frawley, then President of the council in 1993. The current CVA certification standards are a continuation of the original council based tutor model, in which students mentor with a CVA recognized professional practitioner and tutor of their choice to fulfill the necessary requirements for testing and certification with the CVA. The council was the first membership organization to set up standards in the west.


The CVA has developed the Jyotish Visharada and Jyotish Kovid certification exams that set the international standards for CVA certification under the direction of the CVA Certification Committee:  Dr. David Frawley, Nalini Kanta Das, Sat Siri Khalsa, Dennis Flaherty, CVA Exam Provost James Kelleher, and our newest member Marianne Jacuzzi.


Please visit our national and international list of CVA Certified Teachers and Practitioners to find a current CVA-certified teacher and practitioner in your area.

All CVA certified teachers and practitioners instruction qualifies for certification with the CVA if membership is current. Once professional membership is expired or not renewed instruction going forward is not recognized by the CVA. Please view the CVA certification page to peruse and familiarize yourself with CVA’s certification requirements, as well as the dates of upcoming CVA exams.


The CVA diplomas will grant the following benefits to CVA Professional Members:


CVA Jyotish Visharada and CVA Jyotish Kovid Professional members classes, and teaching tools and tutor based model will be accredited toward hours for CVA certification.


CVA Professional members will be listed and promoted on the CVA website with their titles, emails and contact numbers for clients and students who wish to contact them as an exclusive benefit. CVA Professional members who are CVA approved Teachers and Tutors will have 50 to 75 words to promote their astrological services in their listings on the Teachers and Tutors page on the CVA website.


CVA Professional members will receive complimentary CVA services


The CVA certification committee will assist CVA tutors in preparing their students for CVA examination by keeping a record of student accredited hours.

The CVA will have no special relationships with any one school, teacher, or organization. The continuing mission and vision of the CVA is to set standards of certification in Vedic astrology that reflect a growing, inclusive professionalism in our professional membership organization. For more information regarding CVA certification please contact the CVA Provost James Kelleher directly at

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